
If you have any news that you would like to share with the class, please send it to Stephen Hamm.


For simplicity and convenience, most of the time maiden names are used on this site. 

3-17-25 - Jane Reed will be moving from Birmingham to Denver where her sons live in October. 

2-20-25 - I have just learned that David Hall passed away in 2021. 

12-7-24 - Our principal, Joe Anglin, passed away yesterday. 

9-7-24 - HHS beat Grissom last night 30-27. HHS has now won 13 of the last 14 and 16 of the last 18 against Grissom. 

7-14-24 - Hank Perkins and Nadine Wormsbacher are engaged. Congratulations! 

7-11-24 - Larry Crowson passed away today. He did not get his liver transplant due to heart problems and other complications.  I have started a memorial page for him. 

7-7-24 - Coach Cliff Sims has passed away. You can read his obituary here

7-1-24 - William (Leroy) Coleman’s brother Willie Colemanm HHS ’77, passed away June 30 in Nashville. 

5-21-24 - Congratulations to Jane Reed for becoming an American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Fellow.  Read about her here

4-30-24 - Many of you probably remember Steve Bragg. He was with us at Blossomwood and HJH before his family moved away. However he lived his whole adult life in Huntsville. Yesterday he passed away after a brief illness. Here is his obituary. 

4-26-24 - Ron Paludan’s brother Mike, HHS ’75, has passed away due to cancer. 

3-10-24 - Chris Crenshaw has moved back to Huntsville. 

2-17-24 - Guidance counselor Frances Gerstlauer recently passed away. 

2-11-24 - Physics teacher Dottie Dale passed away on February 8. 

2-11-24 - David Test passed away on February 4. 

12-14-23 - Melinda Thompson’s sister Mary Hart Thompson Brown, HHS ’78, has passed away.

10-27-23 - Bill Haden’s wife has passed away. She had complications from dementia. Her obituary is here.  

9-9-23 - HHS beat Grissom last night 36-0. The Panthers have now won 12 of the last 13 games against Grissom. 

8-30-23 - Bill Tatum has co-written a book and you can read about it or by it here on Amazon. 

9-26-23 - Gary Barr is retiring from Edward Jones Investments. Have fun! 

7-23-23 - William (Leroy) Coleman recently earned his PHD from Colorado Technical University. Congratulations! 

7-14-23 - Michelle Cooper’s husband, Ronnie Shults, has passed away.  

6-28-23 - Debbie Crumrine’s husband Keith Lammons, HHS ’77, has passed away.  You can find Debbie’s contact info on her page.  

6-13-23 - Last month Rob Stamper married Carmen Molini in Lake Tahoe. Congratulations!  

6-1-23 - Jean Warren has recently moved from the Birmingham area to Burlingame CA.  From Jean: Our daughter and family live in Burlingame CA. They have asked us for years to move here to be close. We began seriously considering it last year and now, we are here. We are excited. 

It will be very different. We have 2 grand children ages 5 and 3, with one due in August. 

We are very excited to be close enough to help. 

My husband Keith is a retired UMC pastor. This is the most unchurched area in the USA.  We feel like we have an opportunity to be a positive witness to a large population.  He will continue his songwriting, singing, speaking. He has several books he would like to finish too. 

As for me, my plans are to be an available Grandmother (Gigi) for the next year. 

5-31-23 - Cathy Chambers has passed away from a heart attack.  

4-8-23 - Congratulations to GMC Senior Landscape Architect Jane Reed Ross on receiving the Jefferson County Department of Health (JCDH) 2023 Public Health Champion Award!

JCDH Health Officer Dr. Mark Wilson presented the award to Jane for her significant contributions to improving public health through her work developing quality green space venues that promote active lifestyles and enhance quality of life in the community. A few of these projects include the Red Rock Trail System master plan, Rotary Trail, Shades Creek Greenway, Jones Valley Trail, Hugh Kaul Trail, Enon Ridge Trail, Birmingham Zoo, and numerous projects on the University of Alabama at Birmingham's (UAB) campus.

3-23-23 - Teacher Charlotte Sanders (Anderson at HHS) passed away this week. She taught typing and other business courses. 

3-22-23 - Old friends get together in Huntsville. Karl Roth and Greg Rowell. 

2-21-23 - Kevin Osburn passed away on February 13 after a brief illness. He was  living in the Florence area after many years in the Atlanta area. 

2-16-23 - Ginny Meadlock passed away this morning from cancer. 

1-21-23 - Tracey Brown Johnson has passed away after a long battle with cancer. 

1-6-23 - Betty Carlton died today. She was the HHS curriculum director and read the announcements every morning. 

12-26-22 - Lee McBride’s wife, Shannon Kelly HHS ’77, passed away on Christmas Eve. 

12-12-22 - Trey Miree passed away yesterday. 

12-12-22 - Carol Bate got married last week. Congratulations! 

12-4-22 - Old friends get together for lunch. These girls get together once a month these days. That’s great! Lisa Grumbles, Anna McCulloch, Teri Gillam, Kelley Golden, Lyne Conner.  

11-9-22 - Coach Tom Owen passed away today. 

10-26-22 - Home economics teacher Ina Jenkins died on October 22. You can read her  obituary on her memorial page.  

10-21-22 - Bonnie Gaither passed away today from a heart attack. 

9-13-22 - Tim Biggart passed away today. He was living in Rome, GA. 

9-3-22 - HHS beat Grissom last night 27 - 7. The Panthers have now won 11 of the last 12 games.

8-24-22 - A very nice article about Jane Reed an her excellent work in Birmingham. She deserves the recognition! 

8-14-22 - Carol Bate is engaged to be married. Congratulations! 

7-18-22 - One of o teachers, Bernie Swanson, has died. You can read his obituary in the memorials section. 

2-25-22 - Kathy McDonough has retired after 34 years with the government.

2-9-22 - Wendell Wilson passed away on February 7 after a brief illness. 

2-6-22 - Juwanna Watson’s husband of 45 years, Rick Davis, passed away today. 

1-15-22 - Pam Hall is quoted in this article:

11-28-21 - Pam Hall’s son Billy Napier is the new head football coach at The University of Florida. WOW! 

11-28-21 - Peter Joffrion: Kerry and I are about to embark on an exciting three year mission to  Kauai, where Kerry will serve as the permanent, part-time priest at the Episcopal Church on West Kauai.   We leave on January 25th, 2022.  

11-23-21 - Jim Robertson is a grandfather for the second time.  James Leo Robertson, son of Neill and Ella Robertson, entered the world on September 16, 2021. James joins his cousin, Kate Wildberger (3 ½), as Robertson grandchildren.  Some of Jim’s friends affectionately refer to the little tyke as “Ja’ Leo.”  Unknown if that moniker will stick.

10-30-21 - Barry Ragsdale was featured in this video today:

9-25-21 - Van Brown is retiring on October 1. Way to go Van! 

9-19-21 - Bobby Roberts passed away on Friday. Bobby’s health had been poor for several years. I have posted a memorial page for him in Memorials. 

9-4-21 - Hard to believe but last night marked 50 years since the first HHS - Grissom football game. HHS won 13-6 and has now won 10 of the last 11 games against the Tigers. 

8-22-21 - Alice Fryman passed away on August 18. 

7-21-21 - Christy Record’s sister Karen, class of’78, has died. You can read her obituary here. 

7-21-21 - Helen Casey, one of our math teachers, has died. 

7-14-21 - Jennie Floyd and Ron Paludan both live in Arizona and drove together to the reunion last weekend. It must have been a good trip as they have decided to start dating! Best wishes! 

7-1-21 - Bill Elliot has become a beekeeper in retirement. Check out this video and story.

6-17-21 - Jane Jones, one of our math teachers, died this morning after a 10 year battle with cancer. I have set up a memorial page. 

6-17-21 - John Martignoni has a book coming out soon. Congratulations!

6-6-21 - A fun gathering at BeezR in downtown Huntsville. Jeanie Burkett and husband David, John Martignoni, Bob Burkett and wife Leila Walker ’77, Teri Gillam, Hank Perkins, Dawn Cox, Stephen Hamm, Chris Caudle.

5-28-21 - Denise Cusick has also retired. 

5-27-21 - Susan Hay has retired from Athens Elementary School. 

5-16-21 - Elaine Helmer ’74 died today. She was married to classmate Tim Biggart and her sister was classmate Linda Helmer. 

5-14-21 - Denny Spencer moved back to Huntsville in 2019. 

5-14-21 - Cathy O’Bryant is moving to Nashville in June. 

5-7-21  - Very sad to report that Joanne Keller has died. For information about the circumstances see the post by her daughter on Joanne’s memorial page.   

4-18-21 - Lee Reynolds has died. It was unexpected and the cause of death is unknown.

2-1-21 - Barbara Griffin was recently recognized by the Society of Motion Picture Still Photographers as an Associate Member to their organization. It’s an honorary membership given to people who have positively influenced the work and careers of still photographers who work on movie and TV sets. Below is a link to a nice article about Barbara which includes more info on this honor, an interview and a bio

1-26-21 - Check out this podcast/interview with Scott Ramminger. He discusses How he got back into music, his albums, and a couple of songs are played.  His HHS days are mentioned. 

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