"The Year of Spirit" was produced by John Bransby Productions, Bill Gibbons and Florence Gibbons. This print of the film belonged to Florence all these years and had quite possibly never been played. The print kept at HHS is in pretty poor condition.
Dance Team and Band View on Flickr
This 8mm home movie was shot by Laura Lively's dad during our senior year. The film is silent, so I have set it to music. I also tacked onto the end the short dance team clip from the senior film.
Jeff White and Cindy Taylor Burger, '77, took these photos during the spring of 2004. During the summer of 2004 the HHS that we attended was demolished and that fall students attended a brand new HHS.
1986 Reunion Video View on Flickr
This tape was provided by Larry Jess. It is a copy of the original shot by Larry Geiger. The original seems to be lost. I have edited this video down to about half of its original 52 minute length.
This 8mm home movie was shot by David Farmer's dad during our sophomore year. The video contains portions of several games. The film is silent so I have set it to music.
This 8mm home movie was also shot by David Farmer's dad. The video contains portions of three games from our freshman year. The film is silent so I've set it to music. You'll easily spot David, Leroy Coleman, Jon Dunkel and Mitch Fanning among others.
1963 Birthday Party View on Flickr
This is a home movie of Jim Robertson's birthday party in the spring of 1963. There are at least 11 classmates in this short video: Pam Schrimsher, Anna McCulloch, Susan Hay, Dick Fountain, Robert McCown, Bryan Bentley, Trey Miree, Martha McCaleb, Sally Peeler, Scott Denton and Jim Robertson.