Jim Pewitt   

Jim Pewitt copy

Sooooo sad to hear. One of my favorite classmates. Always nice and fun.  😔 - Paige McLeod  

Jim was always such a great guy.  - Lisa Grumbles

He was such a kind person.  - Pat Swearingen 

Great hockey player and friend. - Bill Stanton

Jim Pewitt was a stellar guy - Sally Peeler

Jim was a great guy. - Amelia Uffelman

Jim was a childhood friend and a frequent drinking buddy in high school and college. At Alabama we were fraternity brothers and lived in the same apartment complex. Over the years we got together a few times at the beach. Just a great guy. - Stephen Hamm 

We grew up together on the same street...Dale Circle. His father, Dr.Mac put many a stitch in hard head, and Johnnie his mom, beat my ass when I needed it. SO MANY fond memories of Jim, Robert, and Lane, the three boys.

Jim was a STAND UP GUY!

I shall miss him dearly. - Rodney Moak 

Jim was an awesome person and a great friend. - Lisa Johnson 

I had the pleasure of going through dental school with Jim. Just a great guy. Fun to be with and humble in spite of being crazy good in school. I especially still enjoy thinking about an epic skiing road trip to Colorado one Spring break. He taught me some new moves on skis! I know he has lived an impactful and wonderful life and will be greatly missed -  Bpb Haraway  

Jim was my golf buddy from an early age. He was captain of a strong 1976 HHS golf team. I have lasting memories of golf trips over the past 30 years with Jim. He was always ready to go enjoy life, yet would take the time to sincerely check in and listen about how you were doing. I will miss you, - Dan Maxwell 

Jim was always the most pleasant of people. His smile could brighten up a room.  - Mack Vann ’75

I am Jim's daughter Megan. I really appreciate reading the kind words and seeing the pictures of my dad. He was my role model and best friend - Megan Pewitt

Jim was an outstanding person and a great friend for many years through high school and college.  I moved to Houston TX in 1980 and Jim and I stayed in touch.  Jim and Andy Jones were in my wedding in 1988.  Time and distance has a way of pulling people apart and I regret that we have not stayed in touch.  He will be greatly missed and I know I will get to see him again on the other side.  "Cheers" my friend. 0 Stephen Gasper  


Jim’s 2006 bio:

Wow, what a “hoot” reading these bios. Hard to believe we are all nearing the big 5-0. I’m afraid my bio is pretty norm: went to Bama, became a dentist, set up in Gulf Breeze, FL in ’84, married for 14 yrs. ( Dana ) , 2 kids ( Mac 10, Megan 8), dog, ballparks and recitals, etc., etc. Still enjoy golf and snow skiing, do lots of fishing and diving in the Gulf, even played in an adult hockey league until I blew out a knee. Hurricane Ivan destroyed me in 2004 and am still recovering but that story requires violin music in the background. Looking foreword to seeing the Class of ’76 !