Larry Crowson    

We had a high school band along with Trey Miree and David Echols. - Andy Lockhart ’75

Larry was a great person. - Hank Perkins 

Had some good times with Larry - Lynn Charlton 

 I have such wonderful memories of Larry. - Kelley Golden 

 Larry was a great guy.  = Sally Peeler 

I remember playing touch football in the street on Mountainbrook - Scott Huber ’77

Larry was so nice - Gala Phillips 

He went out for the football team his freshman year at HHS. After a day or two, he knew he wouldn't play for a while. It was August. He and a buddy (Robert McCown)  skipped practice and went to Jitney Jungle/Krogers down the street. They bought some cigarettes and were smoking them outside in front of the store. A WAAY TV camera crew walked up to him and asked if he would be interviewed. He said ok. They asked him what he thought about Nixon getting impeached. He gave them a long, 9th grade answer. Next day he was back at practice. Coach Owen said everyone gather in a circle. Then he asked Larry and his buddy to come to the middle. Then he said, "We have a celebrity. Tell me Mr. Crowson, what do you think about Nixon being impeached?" Larry said Coach Owen handed him the ball and said, "Bull in the ring!!" That meant he got to be tackled by everybody on the team. - Scott Huber

We shared a love for The Beatles - Stephen Hamm

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