Lee Reynolds   

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I remember Lee as one of the funniest and nicest people I knew at Huntsville High.  I was happy to have reconnected with him over Facebook in the last few years.  Always kind, and he loved that grandbaby so much! - Jennie Floyd

Though we went down separate paths as adults, Lee was my best friend in high school and my college roommate. For years, we were inseparable. The world has lost a man who was full of life and he loved his friends and family. Goodbye my dear friend. - Larry Jess

Steve, Lee, Barney, and I had good times. Rest in peace brother. - Stephen Parker 

Lee was a good friend and band mate.  - Terrell McCollum 

Lee was a good friend in high school and college. Lately we mostly connected in Facebook posts. I’ll miss his proud grandad posts and funny comments. - Bob Nicholson 

I have so many wonderful memories that include Lee.  - Kathy McDonough 

In sixth grade, at East Clinton elementary school, our teacher got very ill shortly after the school year began, and we ended up with a substitute for the entire year. It was almost the “lost year“, and Lee, Steve Chandler, and I, decided to do something about it. We got permission from the principal to start a school newspaper, and we commandeered an empty classroom, and used it as our newspaper production room. I think we spent three fourths of every day in that room working on the school newspaper the entire year. It was the first, and probably last, year that East Clinton elementary school had a newspaper. I have no idea why The principal allowed us to do what we did, but Lee was a very large part of that, and it is an indelible memory that I will always cherish. Rest well, old friend! - Peter Joffrion

Lee was such a silly and fun person! I will miss his humor and wit. We went to high school together and I would see him out and about from time to time and reminisce about our fun times in band, bowling, ecology club and so much more. He had a huge heart and loved his family. So proud of his boys. Always had a story to tell about Dax. - Laurel Kurtz ’79

Lee was a good friend from HHS n band. Just chatted with him not long ago and about meeting up for a beer to hear his son play guitar. He was sooo proud. - Karen Lanier