Linda ruth 



Mrs. Ruth in our senior film 


Facebooj post from her daughter  

Leslie Salas is with Linda E. Ruth and Lara Ziobro.

16 hrs · 

This morning I unexpectedly lost my best friend, my mother. I don’t usually make personal posts on Facebook, but I know my mom touched a lot of people. When I went for my 10 year reunion, the first question everyone asked me wasn’t what I’d been up to, it was “How is Mrs. Ruth?!” 

She loved teaching, and she loved her students. There are so many of her students that I’ve never yet, but I feel like I know because of how much she spoke about them. She kept up with their lives, especially through Facebook, and was always so happy to see their personal and professional accomplishments. I know how important a truly great teacher can be. They inspire intellectual curiosity, but they also inspire confidence to go out in the world and become whoever and whatever it is you are supposed to be. I know that my mom was that teacher for so many of her students throughout the years and it makes me so proud.

Here she is at Theo’s first birthday party this past October. I made it a costume party since his birthday is so close to Halloween. My mom always hated wearing a costume, but she played along and dressed up as Rosie the Riveter. She complained about having to wear a bandana, but I think she looked beautiful. It was an appropriate costume for the badass woman that she was. It’s thanks to my mom that I’m the outspoken, stubborn, independent person that I am... for better or for worse, maybe, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you, Mom 💕 Best mom and grandmom a daughter could have ever asked for.


This makes me so sad! Went to Washington DC with her. One of my favorite teachers. - Amelia Uffelman

She was so sweet - Beth Donnelly  ‘74

So tragic! She was a teacher at Huntsville High when I attended there and I worked with her at Grissom for several years. She was such a sweet, awesome lady! - Laura Kilpatrick

I had Mrs Ruth for homeroom I think senior year(?) and we had such a blast with her. - Yolanda Garrett  ‘77

I loved Mrs. Ruth! - Linda Drummond 

we watched her on the wheel of fortune with her in class. I guess it was live, I can’t imagine how it was taped in 1975. She and I iMessaged sometimes. Lovely woman. She will be missed. - Tommy Schrimsher 

Oh, my heart is broken. She was a source of strength this year for me. We stayed in touch and I loved her So! Larry and I met in her class Larry's Senior year - Cindy Taylor  ’77 

Just saw the posting from her daughter Mrs Ruth was one of my top favorite and memorable teachers at HHS It was nice to reconnect and chat with Her about the past via Facebook after being her student over 40 years ago  - Donny Dison  ‘73

One of my favorites. A wonderful example of a kind and caring teacher. - Barbara Battles  ’75 

She was one of those teachers that you knew and loved even if you were never in her class. - Matt Coulter ‘75