Read 2 letters from Tami’s sister here.
One of Tami’s best friends shares her memories.
Here is a letter David Hightower wrote to Tami in her senior annual.
The following is a portion of an e-mail Paige McLeod sent to Tami's sister Sonja in response to the message Sonja originally sent to me.
I remember Tami and David very well. I think she came to HHS our junior year. She didn't know anyone, and I asked her to be my locker mate -- can't even remember what that really meant! She was SO very nice and sweet.
I think David thought she was cute and wanted to meet her. My best high school bud was Claudia Hopkins. She and David were soul mates -- grew up together at Faith Presbyterian. SO, we introduced them. It was just before Homecoming, and he already had a date with Jeannie Gerran (sp?), who had the class to break their date and free David to go with Tami. They were together from that date forward. Claudia and I were SO very proud of our matchmaking success!
I was at freshman orientation in Tuscaloosa when the wreck happened. Didn't even know about it til a few days after. Tami was gone, but David was still in the hospital. Felt terrible that I had missed Tami's service. Claudia and I attended David's together, and your parents, and maybe you, sat right behind us.
Anyway, just read your message and was compelled to respond. Feeling very emotional thinking back on that tragic loss of two wonderful people AND such a special couple.
The following is a portion of an e-mail Van Brown sent to Tami's sister.
I won’t ever forget those eyes and that beautiful smile. She was just as sweet as she was pretty. She was a big sister to my little sister Deanise in the Anchor Club. I saw Tami and David the night of the accident shortly before it happened. I had stopped in Krystal with some buddies from church and they were leaving. There had been a number of girls sitting up on the trunk as they would have if they’d been in a homecoming court but they must have just ridden in the parking lot. David had just gotten that old convertible and I remember admiring it. I have never gotten over seeing them drive away. She glanced my way and smiled. My sister and I attended the funeral and we were so touched by the service. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tell you there are still those of us who remember and will always feel blessed to have known her.