Tommy King

Tommy King 1974

I have known Tommy King since the first grade. We played Basketball, Baseball and Football together. We both got hit with rulers by the same nuns at Holy Spirit grade school. When ever I think of my friend I will always smile.  I will really miss him. He was a great friend. - Mark Burnette

Johnny and Tommy both went to Holy Spirit -- Tommy a year older and was the center on my first organized basketball team in 4th grade (he in fifth).  He also scored the first basket of the year -- I recall the shot.  Bill Moquin and I were the guards -- if they tracked them back then, I would have scored that first assist.  Their dad was an insane ND fan, with Johnny joining me there in our 2nd year and making his dad's life complete by graduating with ND degree. Tommy was a "cool" guy in the neighborhood. - Tony Flynn  '77  

Old carpool friend and always could make you laugh!!  - Amelia Uffelman

Tommy was a wild and crazy soul! - Sally Peeler

I always got a kick out of Tommy. I had some memorable times with Tommy and Matthew Orillion over the years. - Steve Bragg