Barry Ragsdale                                            2025


barry ragsdale 2024

With Janie Krewson - 2016 reunion

janie krewson, barry ragsdale

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After (sporadically) attending college at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, I moved to Tuscaloosa and graduated with a BS and a JD. I moved to Birmingham in 1985 and spent eight years practicing law with a big defense firm. For the last 10 years, I’ve been a partner in a small firm, with my practice predominately involving the representation of individuals against insurance companies and other denizens of the night. In 1992, I got married to a beautiful and wonderful woman (Sherri) who tolerates my twisted sense of humor more than any person should have to. Sherri volunteers at our son's school and helps with other good causes, in an effort to make up for my bad behavior. We live in Homewood and have two perfect children, Brittany (20), a sophomore at UA, and Aaron (10), a fifth grader. Brittany is stunningly beautiful, smart and destined to accomplish something amazing with her life. Aaron looks and acts exactly like me, so I'm a little worried about his future. He inherited my love of baseball, but not yet my love of books. I recently wrote a short article entitled “10 things I’ve learned … as a Lawyer” for Birmingham’s Portico magazine, which included the following: “The same techniques of argumentation and rhetoric that are so important for an effective trial lawyer are not nearly as attractive in your ten-year-old son.”

 4944 Altamont Road South,

Birmingham AL 35222


(205) 937-2772 cell