Cindy Browning Wehner                              2025

With her son - 2016

cindy browning and her son - 2016

On Facebook - yes  


After studying engineering and working for 17 years, I'm now at home full time with three beautiful kids. Their ages are 2,6 and 8. I'm guessing I'll probably get the prize for youngest child! Ha! I'm married to my best friend. Pete is funny, totally trustworthy, interesting and very sweet. I feel very blessed. I miss the professional world -- adult conversations, getting to finish my thought and sentences... finishing something in a day... but I'm thankful I can stay home and be with these wonderful children. They are young for such a short time. I would love to come to the reunion, but I'm not sure I will be able to. If not, I'll miss you all and wish you all a great time.


Cindy has 3 children, 2 teens and an 11 year old.

1416 Homeric Ct.

McLean, VA  22101

703 965-4210  cell