Dick Fountain                                               2025


dick fountain 2018

With Colin Murphy 0 2916 reunion 

Colin Murphy, Dick FOuntain

2006 reunion 

Dick Fountain

On Facebook - yes 


I've been an independent insurance and benefits broker in Huntsville since graduating from Jax State in 1981. Mark Harbarger and I were business partners for 15 years before our agency, Fountain Parker Harbarger grew into another entity that I started 2 1/2 years ago, FPH Financial Services, with Mark remaining as the senior partner (damn,we're getiing old) in the original agency. Finally, found a woman willing to put up with all my nonsense when I was 39 (like others "went way over my head") and married Jennifer, a Grissom grad. We have 2 daughters, Anna Leigh (8) and Olivia (6) who rule their old man at will! It's great to see other "old dads" w/young children signing in and I look forward to comparing stories and anecdotes w/you in July. I've been asked by 2 of my daughters softball teammates recently "if I'm Anna Leigh's grandfather"! I guess with that I'll sign off as the old white-headed, overweight, but doing better than deserved........ Can't wait to see everyone to relive Glory Days of Class of 76!!


1901 Fairmont Rd

Huntsville, AL 35801

256-520-7315 cell