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Hi everyone! I sure have enjoyed reading your bios and check the web site regularly for new ones. Thanks, Billy, for setting up the site, and thanks to all of you who are planning the reunion. We will all benefit from your hard work. Everyone seems excited, and I know I am. My wife, Benja, and I have been married for 16 years and have three kids. Our son Conner is almost 12 and is a hoot. Our two girls are Caroline, 10 and Anna Katherine, 8. They are characters, too, and keep us busy. We are in the golden pre-teen years when we still matter to them, but time is flying. We've noticed that Conner is getting smarter and smarter and we are getting dumber and dumber. Anyone else experience this? They are all good kids, but I am bequeathing everything to Caroline because she is the only Auburn fan. The others root for the bad guys, so we have a real "house divided". We have lived and worked in Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee, so we've covered the southeast pretty well, slogging on in healthcare administration. Since '97 we have lived in Columbia, Tennessee, and I have been an administrator with Vanderbilt Medical Group in Nashville for the past five years. The 50-mile commute seems crazy, but Benja has a good job as Director of Admissions at the kids' school and they love their school and friends, so we didn't uproot the whole operation. I just drive and drive and drive some more. No complaints, though. I love working at Vanderbilt and am privileged to get to be part of it. As I started this I could hear the Moody Blues' "Nights in White Satin" coming from an office down the hall. I drifted back to the 70s and took it as a sign that it was time to register. It will be great to see all of you. We really did have a special group of folks in the Class of '76! Keep those bios coming.
110 Habersham Road
Columbia, TN 38401
615-828-3509 Cell